About this Course

This course focuses on basic English reading and writing skills for intermediate English learners. Topics covered include paraphrasing, written argument, and academic writing skills.
Course Objectives
- 4.RW.1 Determine appropriate synonyms and antonyms of target adjectives.
- 4.RW.2 Produce transition words (on the other hand, however, therefore, and in addition) using correct
- punctuation.
- 4.RW.3 Identify and produce basic thesis statements.
- 4.RW.4 Produce an essay outline.
- 4.RW.5 Produce a 3-4 paragraph descriptive essay
- 4.RW.6 Respond to written questions about short essays.
Integrated Objectives
- 4.G.1 Identify comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs in sentences.
- 4.G.2 Produce sentences and respond to questions with modals (could, would, should, may, can, have to, and
- must).
- 4.G.3 Produce sentences and respond to questions with future verbs (will, be going to, might, and may).
- 4.G.4 Produce future time clauses in sentences (before, after, as soon as, and when).
- 4.G.5. Identify and produce noun clauses (subject and adjective compliment).
- 4.LS.1 Restate information obtained orally.
- 4.LS.2 Take notes and talk about information heard from multiple sources.
- 4.LS.3 Produce sentences with target phrasal verbs.
- 4.LS.4 Deliver a planned presentation on class topics with visuals.
- 4.LS.5 Deliver an impromptu presentation on class topics.
Learning modules
Week 3
lessons with JP
lessons with JP
lessons with JP
lessons with JP
Math tutoring
Math tutoring
Math tutoring
Math tutoring
Math tutoring
Check your understanding | Signs
testing invitation
Week 1
Introduction to Online Course
Tuesday Live Online Class
Present Tense Practice Writing
Present Perfect (L4 R/W)
Reading Practice
Thursday Live Online Class
demo class
Modals: Review and Exercises
Modals Quiz
The Dust Bowl
Understanding Stroke
Week 2
Review of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Tuesday Live Online Class
Talking About the Future
Reading Practice
Weekly lesson
Quiz: Comparative, Superlatives, and Future
Finding Main Idea in Paragraph
Wednesday Class
Weekly Lesson
Demo Lesson
2nd Demo Lesson
Fair Trade in the UK_ 2
About the Instructor
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